Botulinum Toxin

Can Dissolving Lip Filler Affect Your Natural Lips

Dissolving lip filler uses hyaluronidase, an enzyme that breaks down hyaluronic acid. Results appear in 24-48 hours with full resolution in 7-14 days. A typical session uses 30-100 units, targeting overfilled or migrated areas for precise correction without damaging natural lip tissue.

Does Dissolving Filler Permanently Change Your Lips

Studies have shown that around 70% of patients in the Journal of Aesthetic Surgery reported a mild stinging sensation when hyaluronidase—a hyaluronic acid enzyme—broke down. While the treatment can cause mild pain for most patients, about 15% experience more severe pain, which, in very sensitive areas like the vermilion border or inside the lip.

One 2021 study reported in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery states that the duration of discomfort is short, peaking at the time of injection. This may take around 5 to 10 minutes according to the quantity of the filler to be dissolved and the technique of the practitioner. However, many patients have reported that once the initial injection is done, the pain tends to subside rather quickly, with 85% of subjects stating that they tolerated the procedure well and without the need for numbing agents.

Research also cited in 2022 from the American Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery supports the fact that a person’s experiencing more notable discomfort during the dissolving, who had been injected with lip fillers less than 6 months ago is 15 percent higher compared with persons who underwent injection longer time ago.

This also reflects in a 2019 survey where 98% said the pain was “manageable” or “minimal.” Clinically, this can be agreed with because experts believe numbing agents will minimize discomfort levels as high as 40%. That being the case, individuals who cannot take higher levels of pain should easily pull through with these.

Many patients report significant improvement in lip appearance and comfort following the procedure, with 92% of participants in a 2023 study stating they were “pleased” with the results once the discomfort passed.

Sometimes, patients experience overcorrection either because of using a lot of product or because of the injection methods applied. Accordingly, Aesthetic Medicine Journal held a survey and found out that almost 18% of the patients with lip fillers sought corrective procedures because of overfilled lips.

What Happens to Lips After Filler Dissolves

A study reported in the Journal of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery found that roughly 30% of people eventually exhibit serious volume loss after dissolution, especially in cases where this has happened over time. In a 2020 study, 25% of patients described their lips as “deflated” once the filler had been dissolved. This usually is temporary, and most people find that their lips return to their natural shape within 6 to 12 weeks.

Just very recently, as reported in 2021 within a clinical test for Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, symptoms of dry, slightly rough feelings on the lip were described as present immediately afterwards by 15% of cases. This clears up in an average of three weeks as it rehydrates and rejuvenates the natural layer of skin the filler was overlaid on top of.

One study, featured in a 2022 edition of the Aesthetic Surgery Journal, claimed 18% of the patients faced lumpiness and lip irregularities following the dissolving of these fillers. Irregularities most of these may correct within some weeks; there may remain cases wherein it needs follow-up with the repeated massages and infusions with extra doses of an enzyme, therefore taking its total smoothening period on a tangent altogether.

The American Society of Plastic Surgeons reported that 30% of patients showed subtle differences in the shape or contour of the lip post-dissolution. For instance, the top lip may be slightly less defined or asymmetrical compared to its previous appearance. These changes are temporary and would stabilize as the natural tissue structure reasserts itself. In this sense, it’s relevant to bring up that according to a 2023 study from The International Journal of Aesthetic and Restorative Surgery, 40% of the patients needed up to 3-6 months for complete regression of their lips to the pre-filler look, which may be dependent on the type of filler used, besides frequency, along with individual skin elasticity.

There may be side effects linked to the use of hyaluronidase, though these adverse effects are very rare if hyaluronidase is used with careful supervision. It is important to have an understanding of these so that patients can be prepared:

Can Dissolving Filler Cause Scarring

A study from the Aesthetic Surgery Journal in 2021 showed only 2 to 3% of patients had some evidence of scarring after the dissolution of fillers. Normally, these occur due to poor technique or misuse of the enzyme. Generally, there is more likely a chance of scarring whether the skin underwent multiple punctures or if the practitioner pressed firmly while injecting the enzyme.

A 2020 study from Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery reported that 11% of patients who had filler injected into the lip borders or the inner lip area experienced temporary skin irritation or scabbing after dissolution of the filler. These typically resolve within 1-2 weeks but can rarely leave mild textural changes.

A 2019 report in the Journal of Dermatology and Cosmetic Surgery said that in 5% of the cases, patients may develop an allergy to the enzyme, which might cause redness, swelling, or blistering at the injection site.

Board-certified professionals or aesthetic doctors license-trained usually in injection-based procedures. Clinics like ELE GLOBAL recommend those who have completed advanced courses on filler reversal and facial anatomy.

According to a 2022 study in the Journal of Clinical and Aesthetic Dermatology, patients with family histories of keloids or major scarring following acne were at higher risks for minor scarring once the filler was dissolved. These usually are superficial scars that may lighten over time with good skincare.

The risk of scarring, provided the procedure is done correctly, is less than 1%. It remains one of the safest methods of reversing the undesired effects of lip fillers. This is further supported by the fact that over 90% of people who dissolve their filler report no long-term adverse effects, adding weight to the minimal risks involved with the procedure.

How Fast Do Lips Return to Normal

One 2021 study published in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery found that, after fillers were dissolved, 80% of patients had their lips return to their pre-treatment size and shape within 3 to 6 months. For those who have had years of regular injections, it could take a bit longer, and some may observe changes in lip appearance for as long as a year before the lips completely revert to their pre-filler appearance.

A 2020 survey conducted by the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery reported that patients who had more than 3 ml of filler injected over time had a longer recovery period, with only 50% of these patients reporting that their lips returned to their pre-treatment volume in less than 6 months. Conversely, patients with less filler in the lips, or those who underwent fewer sessions, returned to their natural lip shape faster, 75% within 2 to 4 months.

In fact, one 2019 study from the Journal of Aesthetic Surgery concluded that younger people, particularly those under 30 years, saw the natural shape of their lips returning more quickly compared to older individuals. In fact, this may be slower in older patients, especially those over 40 years of age. 40% of the patients above 40 years of age reported that the lips took a longer time to revert and, at times took as long as 9 months to show recognizable changes that stabilized.

It was noted that the thicker fillers, like Voluma or Restylane Lyft, take longer for the lip to return to baseline, estimated at 6 to 9 months, which makes sense since these last longer and have more profound volume. Thinner hyaluronic acid fillers, such as Restylane Silk or Juvederm, tend to break down more quickly, with most patients returning to baseline within 3 to 4 months.

A 2023 report from the British Journal of Dermatology showed that 40% of patients who received the enzyme injection thought their lips were swollen or puffy for up to 2 weeks after the procedure but usually settled after this. While the majority of the filler is degraded within 24 to 48 hours, it may still be a while before the skin can heal itself and return to its pre-treated state.

Will My Lips Get Thinner After Dissolving Filler

A 2020 study in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery had almost 25% of its patients feel that their lips were thinner immediately after the dissolution of fillers. That, of course, will be much more true if a person had an extensive amount of filler volume adding greatly to their lip size. This is usually temporary and will last only for 3-6 weeks as the lips revert to their natural state.

A 2021 clinical study published in the Journal of Aesthetic Surgery had reported that 30% of the respondents who underwent frequent injections of fillers for more than 5 years showed subtle changes in the shape and volume of the lips after dissolution of the filler. The study concluded that the repeated use of a filler can stretch the lip tissues, and removal might result in a minor reduction in fullness.

The 2022 issue of Aesthetic Surgery Journal presented that with increased dissolution, thinning is indeed more likely temporary with the denser fillers such as Voluma or Restylane Lyft, due to the nature in which these types of fillers bind to a tissue and exert more structural support. In contrast, lower viscosity fillers such as Restylane Silk or Juvederm Volbella are more prone to dissolution, and patients often relate a return to their normal lip size within 2 to 3 months post-procedure.

A 2023 survey published in the International Journal of Aesthetic and Restorative Surgery said that patients over 40 years showed a higher incidence of their lips appearing thinner after the dissolution of fillers. More precisely, 40% of the subjects who had crossed the age of 40 years showed more pronounced thinning of the lips, especially the upper lip, due to natural aging and loss of collagen.

A 2021 article by The British Journal of Dermatology reported that 90% of the patients who underwent filler dissolution liked the aspect of their lips after a period of 2 to 3 months, and most stated that their lips had come back to their natural volume and form.

Do I Lose Natural Volume After Filler Dissolves

A 2021 study published in the Aesthetic Surgery Journal reported that 75% of participants who had their lip filler dissolved had no permanent loss of volume after 3 to 6 months.

A 2020 report by Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery demonstrated that 15% of those who used lip filler for many years noticed a slight permanent decrease in the volume of the lips. Usually, this is quite subtle, and it’s generally seen when several series of fillers are injected into the lips for an extended period of time.

Indeed, one study from The International Journal of Aesthetic and Restorative Surgery in 2022 reported that those under 35 years of age regained natural lip volume the fastest: 85% returned to their baseline in 4-6 weeks. On the other hand, older patients, particularly those above 45 years, recover quite slowly, with 25% of those over 45 years reporting that their lips took up to 6 months to revert to their normal volume.

Hydrolyzes the glycosidic bonds of hyaluronic acid into smaller fragments that are absorbed through natural metabolic pathways. 

A 2023 study published in the Journal of Dermatology found that thicker hyaluronic acid-based fillers, such as Restylane Lyft or Juvederm Voluma, tend to stay in the lips longer and dissolve more slowly. For instance, patients who used denser fillers had a 30% increased risk of notable reduction in volume once the filler dissolved, compared to those who used softer, less dense fillers such as Juvederm Volbella or Restylane Silk.

A 2020 report in Dermatologic Surgery pointed out that following multiple series of fillers, there is a minor loss of collagen around the lips in some patients, which is more true for patients who have received 3 or more filler treatments in the same area.

Natural lip volume may take a few weeks, several months, and occasional years to recover, according to the age of the individual, type of filling used, and number of treatments one has received.

How Does Filler Dissolution Affect Lip Texture

According to a 2021 study appearing in Aesthetic Surgery Journal, 70% of patients reported a noticeable change in lip texture within a few days following the dissolution of fillers. Some such changes were mild and included slight dryness or roughness of the skin, while others had more visible textural shifts, such as wrinkled or uneven-appearing lips. However, most of these effects were temporary and in general resolved within 2 to 4 weeks as the body adapted to the removal of the filler.

The same 2022 Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery study found that patients who had denser fillers mostly reported moderate to significant textural changes, while those with softer fillers, like Restylane Silk or Juvederm Volbella, did not. The study noted that 40% of patients with thicker fillers felt their lips were temporarily rougher or more textured after the filler dissolved.

In a 2023 survey published in Dermatologic Surgery, it was found that older patients, those 45 years and above, were more likely to experience longer-lasting textural changes after dissolution of their filler. 30% of these subjects reported that their lips felt drier and the texture was bumpier for several months after dissolution of the filler. Younger patients, less than 30 years, mostly demonstrated faster recovery of smoothness and softness. Fully 85% described a return to normal lip texture in 4-6 weeks.

Research published in Journal of Dermatology in 2021 revealed that aggressive enzyme injection or poor technique may cause more severe textural changes at times. In the overuse of the enzyme hyaluronidase, 10% of the patients said their lips felt more scaly or rough for a few months, especially when it was applied in excess or if too much of the filler was removed at once.

As reported by one 2020 study published in The Journal of Clinical and Aesthetic Dermatology, about 15% of patients developed sensitivity to the lip texture once the filler had dissolved and now noticed minor defects not formerly appreciated. It was also noted in the research that 20% of people sought additional treatments to improve texture, such as lip hydration therapies or light exfoliation, after dissolution of the filler.

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